Jeevan A Balanced plant nutrition

Liquid fertilizer product: Jeevan

Jeevan is one of the best types of liquid fertilizer. Jeevan is useful for plants as their healthy food. It fulfills incompleteness of Nutrients. So it is very useful for plants.


How Jeevan works…

Jeevan is one type of liquid fertilizer. It protects plants from the deficiency of Nutrients. Because of Nutrients deficiency plants suffer from yellowness in plants, Black dots on leaves, shed off leaves, shed of flowers etc. Jeevan fulfills beneficial Nutrients like ferrous, boron, manganese and copper. And protects from this kind of losses.Jeevan works as an efficient food which also works for plant protection.

plant nutrition

Jeevan: A Balanced plant nutrition

How much Jeevan is important for crops?

According to agriculture department research, Generally, Any type of crops, like beans, oilseeds, Horticulture crops, Fruits, flower or vegetables, have requirements of total 16 Nutrients. Jeevan provides five Nutrients out of these 16 Nutrients. So crops can be protected from loss.

Jeevan keeps crops healthy. So production will be increased. Like this Jeevan is very important for crops. It plays an important role in the growth of any plant.
Why Jeevan as a liquid fertilizer?

Jeevan is manufactured as per agriculture department percentages. It is made by a unique method of mixing its five nutrients one after one. It effects on plants best. So Jeevan is best as a liquid fertilizer.


Jeevan: Uses and precautions

  • Spray 50 ml per 15 lit. Water
  • Convenient for each type of crops.
  • It can be sprayed anytime
  • It can be sprayed at any stage of crops.
  • Use measurement instrument to keep accuracy
  • Cover hands with gloves and face with the mask.
  • To get good results, wet the plants completely.
  • Spray it 2 to 3 times to any plant. If you spray it fortnightly, it doesn’t damage of any type.
  • It is prepared as per government described percentage.
  • It is available in the packing of 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 5000 ml.

Click here to get the product of a balanced plant nutrition Jeevan.

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