The Castor Plant – Tips and Cautions

The castor plant grows rapidly. It achieves height approximately more than 6 feet. Its maximum height is 12 meter. Growing castor plant is possible by seeds. Soak castor seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours before planting. Use filtered or purified water instead of tap water.

castor plant

Requirements for Castor Plant:

  • Soil

The soil must be well drained because it can not tolerate water logging. The soil should be rich in organic substance. Castor plant is adaptable to many different types of soil. Castor beans need warm soil to crop up.

  • Sun

Because of its height, Castor needs to be sheltered from the winds. Castor bean plants need a full sun location and lots of heat to grow their best.

  • Fertilizer

For castor plant, use the all-purpose fertilizer once in a month. when the buds begin to emerge, spread a layer of an inch of aged compost around the base of the plant.

  • Watering

The soil which is always slightly moist, it should be good for castor plant.

  • Pruning and Harvesting

For castor plant, pruning is not required. Select the bean pods as they begin to dry on the plant. Either remove the castor plants from the garden with pods or leave them if growing as perennial.

Castor plant


  • If there is the case of ingestion, avoid the castor plant.
  • Remove the weeds at first phase of planting.
  • Keep in mind that castor plant requires more water at starting phase.
  • Castor plant needs regular watering and pesticide sprinkling.
  • When there is the medium sized crop, use the plow to remove weeds.
  • During Harvesting, take only those castors, which are ripe completely.


  • Castor plants may be allergic to some people, but it’s not poison for anybody.
  • Keep Pets away from eating castor leaves or seeds.
  • Also keep children away from castor plants and seeds.

How to protect from Pink Bollworm?

It’s not required to afraid of Pink bollworm. Pink bollworm eats only plants hood, flower and small bolls. As per atmosphere convenience, Pink bollworm can live 10 days to 13 month, which is very long lifetime compare to other insects.
When Rain is started and the atmosphere becomes slight cool, then it’s the time for pink bollworm to attack. After raining, Pink bollworm will enter to cocoon and grow up from it. It puts approximately 300 to 400 eggs in cotton. This bollworm eats only flower and Cotton seeds of cotton bolls. It doesn’t eat leaves or branches. It has succeeded to digest B.T. cotton.
pink bollworm

pink bollworm

Here are few suggestions to protect from pink bollworm:
  1. Farmers have to plant those types of crop, which take short time to be prepared. Because Pink bollworm does not exist during August and September. That time, All the good quality and lumping bolls are being prepared. In addition, Choose the cotton quality, of which plant is open and standing. So whenever there is a requirement to sprinkle, then due to open plants it covers all the flowers, hatches and small bolls.
  2.  The first attack of pink bollworm is after 10 to 15 days of rain. If planting of cotton is done at the time of rain or in June, then at that time there is no any flower in cotton. So cotton will be protected from pink bollworm.
  3.  Non-Bt cotton should be planted around the farm. So Pink bollworm eat Non-Bt cotton. So its generation will be ineffective to Bt cotton. It will be beneficial in future of cotton. So you will get long term benefits. (If you have not Non-B.T. cotton then you can also plant Pigeon pea or castor).
  4.  Use the pheromone trap. Using this trap Male fungus are trapped so that fertility will be reduced. Because of that, spreading of pink bollworm will be reduced.
  5.  The second attack of pink bollworm is in Bhadra month(i.e. August- September). In this month, the new generation of pink bollworm is ready, which puts eggs only on small bolls. At this time, because of the small size of bolls, pink bollworm can damage crops easily. Like this small bolls will be protected and become big cotton bolls, in which pink bollworm can not enter.
Like this you can protect your crops from pink bollworm.

Pink bollworm – A pest in cotton farming & Its Resistance

The pink bollworm is an insect which is a pest of cotton farming. The pink bollworm is varies in size. The rare size of pink bollworm is 3/8 inch in length. Pink bollworm is grey in color with oval shaped wings. The wings are strongly fringed at the edges. The pink ball warm’s wings are pointed at the tip. When at rest, the moth’s wings are folded close to the body.  Under magnification, palpi can be seen emerging from the lower front part of the head. In contrast to most other moths, the palpi of pink bollworm are relatively thick, curved upwards and have light and dark colored bands. Also, the pink bollworm moths have a few stout hairs which project forward from the base of the antenna.  Pink bollworm moths will typically live 4 to 8 days.

Pink bollworm

Pink bollworm

Pink ballworm eggs seen rarely and they are samll in size and yellow in colour. Eggs are usually laid singly inside the bracts of squares and under the calyx of bolls. Eggs normally hatch in 4 to 5 days.

Pink bollworm

Pink bollworm moth


Pink bollworm

Early instar pink bollworm larva

The pink ballworm is white in colour but it turns pink as their age. At hatching, the larvae have a dark head, but as they mature, the head becomes yellowish-brown in color. The most effective means of managing pink bollworm in season is to plant cotton containing genes from the bacteria. These genes produce proteins that are toxic to most leaf and fruit feeding caterpillars after ingestion.

The pink bollworm is native to Asia, but it found in most of the world’s cotton-growing regions. It reached the cotton belt in the southern United States by the 1920s. It is a major pest in the cotton fields of the southern California deserts. The female moth lays eggs in a cotton boll, and when the larvae emerge from the eggs, they inflict damage through feeding. 



Organic Farming (Organic Agriculture) in India

Organic farming is a method of farming in which cultivate the crops in such a way that it does not harm the soil, environment as well as human bodies by use of organic wastes. Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones.

Main benefit of organic farming is to produce best food items with better nutrition. organic food is much richer in nutrients. Organic farming is enhances the nutrients of the soil which is passed on to the plants and animals.

Organic farming produce food while establishing an environmental balance to prevent soil fertility or pest problems. Organic agriculture takes a proactive approach as opposed to treating problems after they emerge.

Positive aspects of organic farming
  • The environment benefits because natural habitats are less threatened.
  • The soil can be in better condition because of the manure used.
  • It can provide healthier food for people.
  • Biodiversity increases with fewer chemicals which harm bees and other insects.

Since organic farming for food production strictly avoids the use of  synthetic chemicals, it does not harmful for soil and crops like conventional farming which uses tons of artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic farming organizations today. It uses organic fertilizers such as compost, manure, green manure, and bone meal.

Bio larvicide

  • Features:

Tarzan destroys all types of caterpillars like Shoot Borer, Heliothis, Spodoptera etc. completely.

  • Why this product?

Tarzan is best type of organic insecticide which is based on Bio-technology. Caterpillar stops eating crops in two to three hours after spraying of Tarzan. Then caterpillars will destroy completely in three days. Tarzan can effectively control all types of caterpillars in all types of crops like Cotton, Groundnuts, Pigeon pea, Castor, Brinjals, Cabbage, Chillies, Other vegetables etc.

Dose/ Dosage: 20 ml per spray pump or 150 to 200 ml per acre.

Packing: 20 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lit.

 Why organic farming?

More environment friendly

Get Healthy Food

Very safe for user

Less Soil pollution

Less Water pollution

Save Energy

Health Protection

Keep chemicals away


Tarzan: The useful Bio larvicide

What is Tarzan bio larvicide?

Tarzan is  the best type of Bio larvicide which is made from alkaloid and salt of fatty acid with mineral substances.

Because of  its unique Translaminar method, Bio larvicide Tarzan is strong enough to kill big phase larva and also capable of destroying its eggs.

It contains natural substances, so crops can develop rapidly and in a good manner.

What work does Tarzan do?

Bio larvicide Tarzan kills all type of larvas like Green borer, pink borer, Heliothis, Spodoptera, leaf borer, stem borer, and also small phase sucking pest.


Bio larvicide

Why Only Tarzan?

It is very beneficial to use Tarzan to kill all types of larvas because it is made by the unique method. After spraying Tarzan, larvas will be stopped to damage only in 1 hour. It is efficient enough to kill larvas in 4 to 6 hours. It protects the crop from larvas by making shell on crop till 15 to 20 days. Kill the larvas and develop crops well.

Is there any disadvantage using Tarzan?

Tarzan doesn’t damage of any type in the crop. It can be mixed with each and every type of insecticide, fungicide, and foliar fertilizers.

Tarzan: Uses and precautions

  • Use 20 ml per 15-liter water.
  • It can be mixed with any type of pesticide.
  • It is convenient for each and every type and phase of the crop.
  • It is required to use clean water for spraying of Tarzan.
  • It is required to use the mask on the mouth while spraying.
  • Use measurement instrument to keep accuracy of 20 ml.
  • The best time to spray Tarzan is early morning or evening.
  • To get good results, wet the plants completely.
  • See the expiry dates while purchasing.
  • After spraying, it is advisable to wash hands and face well.
  • Tarzan is available in the packing of  20 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml.

Click Here to get the product Tarzan

Biopesticides versus chemical pesticides

Bio pesticides:

Bio pesticides are pesticides which are derived from natural substances like bacteria, plants, animals, and minerals. Bio pesticides are useful to control harmful insects to plants.

How Biopesticides are better?

Biopesticides are more beneficial than any commercial pesticides. There is the reason behind this, biopesticides don’t break the chain of food. Chemical pesticides effects on environmental balance so it can be affected by the life cycle. Biopesticides are proven environmentally safer than chemical pesticides. Biopesticides affect on specifically targeted insects and control them well. Biopesticides do not affect beneficial insects to plants.

Bio Pesticides

Bio pesticides

One thing related to biopesticides is that it consumes slightly more time but it works effectively on target. Biopesticides are beneficial to its  consumers. Growers,  growers, dealers, food processors, shippers etc. Biopesticides are useful to grow healthy fruits and vegetables.

Biopesticides have the ability to multiply the targeted cells. Using biopesticides, there is no any problem of cross-resistance and toxic residue. Biopesticides affect for the long time which permanently controls the pests.

By using biopesticides there is no any fear of environment pollution. So it is called eco-friendly to use biopesticides. It is conventional methods are used for biopesticides.

For Bioproducts Click Here

What is Biolarvicide? Why is it advisable to use biolarvicide?

Before discussing Biolarvicide, Let’s See What is Larvicide?

Larvicide is one type of chemical insecticide which specifically targets to all type of larva insects.

Why biolarvicide rather than Larvicide?

Larvicide is made from chemical substances, which can damage the environment, useful insects, and human beings.

At the other side, Bio larvicide is made from natural substances which are useful to beneficial insects. Biolarvicide does not damage human beings and it is environment-friendly.

Biolarvicide follows modern technology. Bio larvicide is produced from natural materials which can protect plants from damage. Bio larvicide smashes all type of larvas.



Benefits of Bio Larvicide

  • Wipes out each type of larva
  • Destroys all type of larvas at each stage
  • Smashes eggs of larvas
  • Destroys small and large all type of sucking insects
  • Effects on all type of Damaging Larvas like Heliothis, Green larva, Pink larva, Spodoptera, Leaf spotter in each and every type of crops. It can protect from damages in Fruits and flowers of plants.
  • Protects from damage in trunks of the plant.
  • Kill leaf spotter in vegetables
  • Keeps Plants healthy
  • Brings Growth in plants.

For larvicide which product is beneficial?

You can prefer Arcon’s Tarzan Product to get more result in less expense. Tarzan is bio-organic insecticide which destroys all types of larvas completely. It is one type of absorbent type organic insecticide.

For more information about this, Click Here.

Bio insecticides and Bioherbicides: important types of Biopesticides

What are Bio insecticides and Bioherbicides?

Here are the types of biopesticides: 1. Bio insecticides
                                                                 2. Biomiticides
                                                                 3. Bioherbicides


Bio insecticides



Bio insecticide: It is the most important Biocontrol agent. It is insecticide which differs from chemical insecticides.

It targets insects which feed on crops. It generates bacterias which increase poison in their stomach. So they will destroy in short time.

Biomiticides : It protects from roundworms or nematodes. It protects from different plant diseases.

Bioherbicide is mostly used to control weeds and undesirable plants. It is a weeds control agent.

It is advisable to use Bioherbicide rather than any chemical herbicide because the effect of bioherbicide is less harmful to the environment than any other chemical herbicide.

We can prefer bioherbicides because it doesn’t affect the health of human beings.

Get more info about Biopesticides